Update Strategy

Unified Contacts Pro & Community Edition only.

This documentation is for Unified Contacts Pro versions 5.2.0 and higher. To update older versions of Unified Contacts please use this documentation

Updating Unified Contacts is very easy. The backend regularly checks whether a new version of Unified Contacts is available from our different release channels. If that is the case, the backend portal will display a notification next to the "Version" information.

Update Procedure

To update Unified Contacts:

  1. Navigate to the Unified Contacts backend website. For that, navigate to the Unified Contacts App Service, select "Overview" and click "Browse".

  2. Go to the "Update" tab and choose the release channel

  1. If an update for your chosen release channel is available click "Update Now"

  2. Copy the content of the black box to your clipboard

  1. Check if the AppServiceAzureUrl is the correct URL from your Unified Contacts App Service, should it be the wrong URL please replace it

  2. Open the Azure Cloud Shell (PowerShell) on Azure Portal and wait until it has fully loaded.

  3. Paste the previously copied commands and press [ENTER]

  1. The PowerShell script will install the latest version of the UnifiedContactsPS Module and subsequently the latest version of the selected release channel of the Unified Contacts app.

  2. After the script is finished, return to the Unified Contacts App Service and go to the "Teams Manifest" tab.

  1. Click "Publish" to upload a new version of the Teams Manifest

Last updated